We all work remotely, and so can you. If you are based in Saigon, we can do co-working sessions whenever desired / needed.
Our core principles are:
User Experience is critical. If it doesn't feel good, we have failed the user, this is our most important goal
We are hungry to build together, as a team, and we value the skills and friendship as well
We grow together, we learn together, we are successful together
We are very technical, and we use elegant technology and designs to fulfill our users' needs. We collaborate with everyone, but we have a lot of autonomy. We push everyone to sharpen their own skills, or even learn new ones and share our skills with others
You love a UX that is really well done
- You are happy to fix any issue that users raise that provide high value for effort
- You do not take constructive feedback personally, but you embrace it to grow further
- If you find something uncomfortable or you disagree, you raise it
- You are willing to disagree and commit to the team's decision if it means better outcome for users and the team
- You don't give into drama, emotional debates and such. We love to discuss our opinions, and we often do not all agree with one another, but we always do this in good faith and in good vibe
- You listen to understand, and speak to explain
- Respect to others and to yourself is important
You are competitive
- You are not open-minded
- You isolate yourself to and from communication and feedback
- You do not believe in Crypto / Web3 ethics and long-term mission to foster financial freedom